Translucent Loose Powder 20g.

Prezzo: €54,00 €43,20
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Questa cipria trasparente e impalpabile riflette delicatamente la luce donando un finish setoso e mantenendo il make‑up fresco. Le perle luminescenti si adattano a qualsiasi incarnato. Applicare dopo il fondotinta per un finish straordinariamente luminoso e setoso.



This transparent and impalpable powder delicately reflects the light giving a silky finish and keeping the make-up fresh. Luminescent pearls adapt to any complexion. Apply after foundation for an extraordinarily luminous and silky finish.

Sensai 43.2
Christian da Neustadt in Holstein

Hello Mr. Marino, thank you very much for your offer. I transferred the money via paypal just some minutes ago. The paypal number is (...) Thanks a lot for your efforts and your help on this. I hope you are doing fine. Thanks and best regards from the Baltic Sea,