Cellular Performance Body Firming Emulsion 200ml

Prezzo: €112,00 €78,40
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Cellular Performance Body Firming Emulsion 200ml
Cellular Performance Body Firming Emulsion 200ml

Emulsione vellutata, dona compattezza e rassoda la pelle delle zone soggette al rilassamento quali cosce, braccia, fianchi e girovita. Lascia sulla pelle un profumo rilassante e orientale. Applicare mattina e sera.



Velvety emulsion, it gives compactness and firms the skin of areas prone to sagging such as thighs, arms, hips and waist. Leaves a relaxing and oriental scent on the skin. Apply morning and evening.

Sensai 78.4
Bodane da Milton Keynes GB

Dear Marino Giuseppe titolare, I just received the perfume, I am very happy, many thanks for sending so quickly. I look forward to buying from your shop again soon. Thanks