Temperamatite Doppio

Prezzo: €8,00 €5,60
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Adatto sia a matite con diametro standard sia con diametro jumbo e a matite in legno e plastica. Per pulire le lame e svuotare il serbatoio, utilizza il pratico netta lama incluso, evitando così di sporcarti o rovinarti le unghie.
Suitable for both standard diameter and jumbo diameter pencils and wooden and plastic pencils. To clean the blades and empty the tank, use the practical cleaning blade included, thus avoiding getting dirty or damaging your nails.
Pupa 5.6
Sandi da Pulham Dorchester GB

Dear Giuseppe Thank you the parcel arrived today, it is a surprise for my husbands birthday as he loved the fragrance when we recently visited Taormina! Thank you for your excellent service! Kind Regards Sandi