Abeille Royale Bee Glow 30ml

Prezzo: €97,80 €73,35
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Abeille Royale Bee Glow Hydratant Jeunesse, il trattamento perfezionatore che idrata la pelle per un fisnish dewy "effetto rugiada del mattino". La pelle risulta più piena e levigata. Il viso appare immediatamente più giovane.



Abeille Royale Bee Glow Hydratant Jeunesse, the perfecting treatment that moisturizes the skin for a dewy "morning dew effect". The skin is fuller and smoother. The face immediately appears younger.

Guerlain 73.35
Christian da Neustadt in Holstein

Hello Mr. Marino, thank you very much for your offer. I transferred the money via paypal just some minutes ago. The paypal number is (...) Thanks a lot for your efforts and your help on this. I hope you are doing fine. Thanks and best regards from the Baltic Sea,