Re-Nutriv Ultimate Lift Regenerating Youth Treatment Lotion 200m

Prezzo: €155,00 €108,50spedizione gratuita
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La nuova Ultimate Lift Regenerating Youth Treatment Lotion è un potente integratore che tratta la pelle e potenzia gli effetti della beauty routine quotidiana. Illumina Idrata Uniforma l’incarnato Rende la pelle morbida come un petalo, dall'aspetto radioso e sano.



The new Ultimate Lift Regenerating Youth Treatment Lotion is a powerful supplement that treats the skin and enhances the effects of the daily beauty routine. Illuminates Hydrates Uniforms the complexion Makes the skin soft like a petal, with a radiant and healthy appearance.

Estée Lauder 108.5
Dominique da Vantaa - Finlandia

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