Take The Day Off Charcoal Cleansing Balm 125ml

Prezzo: €43,00 €32,25
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Take The Day Off Charcoal Cleansing Balm 125ml
Take The Day Off Charcoal Cleansing Balm 125ml

Lo struccante più amato, arricchito con carbone attivo giapponese dalle proprietà detox; si trasforma in un olio vellutato e dissolve rapidamente e delicatamente ogni makeup. Rimuove il trucco più resistente, libera i pori dall'eccesso di sebo e rimuove filtri solari, inquinamento e altre impurità. Carbone giapponese e Olio di semi di cartamo.



The most loved make-up remover, enriched with Japanese activated charcoal with detox properties; it transforms into a velvety oil and quickly and delicately dissolves any makeup. Removes stubborn make-up, clears pores of excess sebum and removes sunscreens, pollution and other impurities. Japanese Charcoal and Safflower Seed Oil.

Clinique 32.25
Bodane da Milton Keynes GB

Dear Marino Giuseppe titolare, I just received the perfume, I am very happy, many thanks for sending so quickly. I look forward to buying from your shop again soon. Thanks