Skin Illusion Tinted Moisturizer spf25 40ml

Prezzo: €55,00 €38,50
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Skin Illusion Tinted Moisturizer spf25 40ml
Skin Illusion Tinted Moisturizer spf25 40ml
Skin Illusion Tinted Moisturizer spf25 40ml
Skin Illusion Tinted Moisturizer spf25 40ml
Skin Illusion Tinted Moisturizer spf25 40ml

Clarins reinventa l’effetto “no make-up” con Skin Illusion Tinted Moisturizer. Con la sua coprenza naturale e il suo finish luminoso, questa crema colorata sublima la pelle in un solo gesto. Grazie alla doppia azione make-up e trattamento, il suo sottile velo uniforma e illumina l’incarnato istantaneamente, mentre la sua formula stimolante aiuta a rivitalizzare la pelle, per una luminosità straordinaria con e senza trucco ! Fin dalla prima applicazione, Skin Illusion Tinted Moisturizer sublima la pelle e riduce la visibilità di pori, rughe e segni d’espressione. Applicazione dopo applicazione, la pelle nuda appare più bella, come rimpolpata, l’incarnato è radioso e la visibilità di pori e rughe è ridotta al minimo ! Inoltre, la sua texture leggera e impercettibile regala un effetto pelle nuda unico. Al cuore di questa formula eccezionale : oltre l’80% di principi attivi biologici e il 94% di base trattamento, tra cui l’acido ialuronico a basso peso molecolare, che aiuta a idratare la pelle. Skin Illusion Tinted Moisturizer beneficia anche della protezione SPF 25 e del Complesso antiinquinamento Clarins. Clarins ha integrato la sua innovazione [Skin Fit Technology]. Formulata a base di zuccheri d’avena bio, forma sulla pelle una “rete” tridimensionale di origine vegetale che si adatta alla superficie della pelle e migliora la tenuta del make-up! Il plus Clarin. La formula di Tinted Moisturizer integra l’estratto di kiwi bio, che contribuisce alla nutrizione cellulare per aiutare a rivitalizzare la pelle e a renderla più luminosa.

Subito dopo l’applicazione, le donne constatano: +95% di luminosità istantanea -48% di visibilità dei pori -37% di visibilità di rughe e segni d’espressione

Dopo 28 giorni, le donne constatano: +63% di luminosità sulla pelle nuda -32% di visibilità dei pori +37% di effetto lifting -24% di visibilità di rughe e segni d’espressione




This high coverage foundation offers 24 hours of hold and a feeling of comfort that resists emotions thanks to its innovation [Skin Fit Technology]. 24H hold to resist all the emotions of everyday life: sweat, humidity, smiles and tears now have no impact on your complexion! Luminous matte finish. Its luminous matte finish helps reduce shine for a flawless and radiant complexion from morning to night. High natural coverage: Perfectly evens out the complexion without a mask effect. Its imperceptible and extendable texture offers a sensation of lightness on the skin while allowing it to breathe. Proven treatment efficacy: Skin Illusion Full Coverage was developed with the same requirements as a treatment; it combines exceptional makeup performance and 80% care formula. Its light formula is a real beneficial cocktail thanks to the mattifying and purifying properties of Zinc Gluconate and the combined action of Hyaluronic Acid and Plant Micropatch which contribute to the hydration of the skin. Thanks to this cast of active ingredients, Skin Illusion Full Coverage helps reduce shine and the appearance of imperfections. Its rich formula helps hydrate the skin for 24 hours 7. Result: the skin's texture is smoothed, the complexion is matte but remains luminous and imperfections are visibly reduced! The skin becomes more beautiful even naked, day after day.

Clarins reinvents the “no make-up” effect with Skin Illusion Tinted Moisturizer. With its natural coverage and luminous finish, this tinted cream enhances the skin in a single step. Thanks to its dual make-up and treatment action, its fine veil instantly evens out and illuminates the complexion, while its stimulating formula helps revitalize the skin, for an extraordinary radiance with and without make-up! From the first application, Skin Illusion Tinted Moisturizer enhances the skin and reduces the visibility of pores, wrinkles and fine lines. Application after application, bare skin appears more beautiful, as if plumped, the complexion is radiant and the visibility of pores and wrinkles is reduced to a minimum! In addition, its light and imperceptible texture provides a unique bare skin effect. At the heart of this exceptional formula: over 80% organic active ingredients and 94% base treatment, including low molecular weight hyaluronic acid, which helps hydrate the skin. Skin Illusion Tinted Moisturizer also benefits from SPF 25 protection and the Clarins Anti-Pollution Complex. Innovation Clarins has integrated its innovation [Skin Fit Technology]. Formulated with organic oat sugars, it forms a three-dimensional “net” of plant origin on the skin that adapts to the surface of the skin and improves the hold of makeup!

The Clarins plus The Tinted Moisturizer formula integrates organic kiwi extract, which contributes to cellular nutrition to help revitalize the skin and make it more luminous.

Immediately after application, women notice: +95% Instant luminosity -48% visibility of pores -37% visibility of wrinkles and expression lines

After 28 days, women notice: +63% luminosity on bare skin -32% visibility of pores -37% lifting effect -24% visibility of wrinkles and expression lines







Clarins 38.5
Stefania da Romagnano Sesia (NO)

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